Aug 30, 2021
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Corporate client who does a lot of work in healthcare—lots of hospitals & clinics around the country.
Visited one of largest in the state he was working in & it is at 60% staffed. And the staff who are there…are overworked, overwhelmed & completely exhausted—mentally, physically, & emotionally.
Going to possibly be doing a brief workshop on emotional health & EQ for a SWAT team. The number of LEOs is down dramatically in his state. There’s no emotional training.
A number of my BJJ teammates are LEOs…overworked, exhausted mentally, emotionally & physically.
YOUR company…what’s the emotional health state of your company?
YOUR family…what’s the emotional health state of your family?
YOU…what’s the emotional health state of you?
As a leader, how do you handle the emotions of your team?
Check in w/them every morning:
How are you feeling?
How are you doing?
Give them permission / freedom to express themselves honestly.
How does it help them, you or your team if you ask them how they’re doing & you only want to hear “outstanding”?
Is it truly safe to be vulnerable in your culture/organization?
If not, how can you start changing that?
By you being honest & transparent w/your own emotions.
Just b/c you’re struggling, doesn’t take you a weak leader or incompetent or incapable. It makes you a human.
Provide your team w/tools
Create an emotional fitness program for your company.
Emotional agility
To take your emotional fitness program to the next level, join our membership at