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EQ Gangster

Nov 18, 2021

It is exciting learning about & discovering people. 


Active listening (w/your whole body) is rare. 


Every person you meet is an opportunity to grow, learn & sharpen your listening skills (&, therefore, empathy). 


Every conversation is an opportunity to make someone feel important, seen, heard & valued with intentional, active, curious listening. 


How am I structuring my life to match my core values? 


We’re not wealthy but I’m so thankful we’re Billionaires regarding time. We’ve been blessed to spend 17 years working from home & our 14 y/o daughter has never known her parents to have a 9-5 office job. 


Create the life you want…around time…& your values. You can have an amazing quality of life w/out being a millionaire. 


1.) Who do you want to spend time with? (specifically, list)

A.) Family 

B.) Friends 

C.) Business partners / colleagues 


2.) How much time do you want spend with the them? 

A.) Daily

B.) Weekly

C.) Monthly 

D.) Qrtly

E.) Yearly 


3.) What type of time do you want to spend with them? (Based on your & their love languages.) 

A.) Relaxing time 

B.) Activities 


I’m so ridiculously thankful we created the time with our family & made the time to come to almost all of our class reunions.


If God puts someone on your heart, reach out to them. There’s probably a reason God put them on your heart. A number of my classmates reached out to me during some recent valleys & it was a priceless blessing to be on the receiving end of their kindness & time.


Your network is your net worth. 


See if there’s a way you can add value to your circle or classmates.  


Trust among relationships is critical, personally & professionally. 


Verbalizing someone’s specific strengths is empowering for the recipient & adds to your relational bank account.


Hearing people’s stories (w/out interrupting) is inspiring for both the story teller & the listener. 


Everyone has a story. 


If you’re ready to take your emotional growth to the next level, join our EQ Mafia at