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EQ Gangster

Sep 26, 2022

Bill Proctor is a U.S. Air Force Security Forces (police) veteran, civilian Law Enforcement Officer (LEO), and Hostage Negotiator. He shares his story of how he used mindfulness exercises to cope with the incredibly challenging nature of being a Police Officer along with his growing Emotional Intelligence to deal with a toxic work environment.


Here are some of the things we discussed during the interview: 

Mindfulness technique / coping mechanism - going to your happy place - visualize it w/all 5 senses


Is there a stigma for LEOs to visit the on-staff Mental Health Psychologist? 


What has impacted your own emotional growth journey the most as an LEO? 


Why he chose to stop pursuing so much education. 


How his emotional growth journey led to a career change.


What are the potential consequences of an “Embrace the Suck” organizational culture? 


To contact Bill:


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