Feb 13, 2023
A guy flipped me off.
And then I got pissed.
And we don’t even know each other.
And I had done nothing wrong.
I went through a series of emotions…in the span of seconds.
And eventually felt sad…for whatever that other guy was going through that he acted purely out of emotion & cussed me out & flipped me off.
Have you ever had road rage?
Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone w/road rage?
Lots of emotions are typically involved…on both ends of that experience.
How do you respond / react while driving?
Are you normally fairly calm, cool & collected?
Are you more on an emotional edge?
I ultimately ended up praying for that guy who flipped me off & forgiving him.
How can you set yourself up for “success” when driving so that you remain calm & never “react” & instead remain calm, no matter what.
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