Feb 16, 2023
Anyone else struggle with any of this?
I grew up Catholic. There are a lot of activities & tasks that are encouraged in the Catholic Church.
Then, I had multiple grandparents that would “talk trash” to my mom that not only negatively affected my mom, but also trickled down to me. I didn’t understand it at the time, but I knew it felt weird to hear my mom share some of her personal struggles w/me. I also witnessed it personally. It felt uncomfortable. It didn’t feel right, but I had no idea how to process it or how to deal w/it.
I didn’t realize that both my Catholic upbringing combined w/my generational “dysfunction” combined w/my already complete lack of awareness ended up leading to a very performance-based relationship w/God & people and then a bunch of self-condemnation & self-hatred.
What are some recent emotion “origin stories” have you discovered?
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