Jun 28, 2021
The journey Of how we arrived at EQ for entrepreneurs.
And the journey of how we arrived at EQ Gangster and EQ Mafia.
What makes you unique?
Who is your audience?
Who do you bring the best out of?
Who is drawn to you? Why?
Who have you helped get success or transformation?
EQ Accelerator Course:
Jun 24, 2021
EQE Ep. 148, How Do You Develop Boldness? Does It Even Matter?
This episode we explore how emotional health & emotional intelligence impacts boldness.
What is boldness?
How do you define boldness?
Where does it come from?
What does it do for you?
How does it serve you?
Can you do ‘boldness’ wrong?
Can you...
Jun 21, 2021
Closed 85% of my pitches to National & Regional Media Representatives (69 of 81).
Showed me the relevance & importance of emotions, emotional health, & emotional intelligence in our country today.
Who is not being impacted by so many different emotionally charged events over the past 12 - 18 mos.
How many of us...
Jun 17, 2021
Thank you for watching & listening
Thank you for rating, reviewing, subscribing & sharing. If you haven’t yet, it would really mean a lot if you did just take 30 seconds to rate & review & share a meaningful episode.
Highest of highs last 24 hrs & then this morning hit some pretty low lows w/news from a dear...
Jun 14, 2021
My wife & I have struggled w/our sex lives for the vast majority of our 25 year marriage.
She had abandonment issues which led her to become what’s known as an Intimacy Anorexic. That’s someone who has an addiction to avoid intimacy…& not just sexual intimacy, but even in social relationships & family...