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EQ Gangster

Aug 31, 2023

Had a conversation outside the BJJ gym after class & spoke to one of the gym members there. They were crying & very emotional. A couple folks walked by. It’s helpful to learn what to say to someone when they’re struggling or emotional. Most don’t do a good job w/that. I definitely didn’t in my pre-EQ days.



Aug 28, 2023

Tonight was the 2nd day I rolled w/Josh, a 24 y/o Psychology major in college in his 5th week of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 


He shared an impactful story w/me after our 2nd roll tonight in class. 


  1. What has created or lead to the most growth in your life? 


  1. What are some of the lessons you learned from those...

Aug 24, 2023

I spent a weekend w/an amazing family a month back that left an amazing impression on me. 


Billy & Beth have the gift of hospitality. They picked up that gift / superpower from their parents and grandparents. 


I share some of my lessons learned from spending a weekend w/both parents & their awesome kids. 


Here are...

Aug 21, 2023

Many leaders aren’t as self-aware as they think they are. That has been my experience in working with & conducting psychometric EQ assessments w/many leaders over the past few years. 


This particular leader is very self-aware & made some connections in his own life & family of origin that were super powerful. This...

Aug 17, 2023

What comes first - the chicken or the egg? 


What comes first - to lead yourself or leading others? 


What comes first - better habits or better EQ? 


What comes first - better behaviors or better emotional health? 


 This is actually a current conversation I’m having w/other coaches. Some great thoughts &...