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EQ Gangster

Feb 25, 2021

Over 20 years in business


Over 10 different start-up businesses 


Takes lots of mental & emotional energy to make hundreds & thousands of decisions as an entrepreneur. 


Especially in times of crisis.


An entrepreneur should hopefully thrive in adversity b/c of the nature of an entrepreneur.


It takes lots of...

Feb 22, 2021

2 calls from out of the blue


You never know who is watching you & how you’re living your life.


How often do you let your friends know that you’re thankful for them?


How good of a friend are you?


How can you be a better friend?


Be specific w/how someone has impacted you.


2 years before my dad died, every...

Feb 18, 2021

Seems like emotional intelligence & emotional capacity are directly proportional.


What triggers you?


What overwhelms you?


What shuts you down?


A lot of information and a lot of new information would’ve typically shut me down. 


As soon as I started feeling overwhelmed, I journaled my thoughts and used a mind...

Feb 15, 2021

From 3 major social media influencers

Michael Stelzner (Social Media Marketing Events)

Jasmine Star (Instagram)

AJ Wilcox (LinkedIn)


1 - Secure in themselves

2 - Had courage, faith

3 - Desire to add value, impact & influence others

4 - Emotionally present & available

5 - Reflection: how do we make others feel

6 -...

Feb 11, 2021

What does your decision making process reveal about you?


How authentic are you? How do you know?


Are you self-aware enough to accurately answer those previous questions?


8 Questions to Assess Your Decision Making Process

1 - What decisions have you made recently?

2 - Why did you make them?

3 - Did someone want you...