Aug 31, 2023
Had a conversation outside the BJJ gym after class & spoke to one of the gym members there. They were crying & very emotional. A couple folks walked by. It’s helpful to learn what to say to someone when they’re struggling or emotional. Most don’t do a good job w/that. I definitely didn’t in my pre-EQ days.
Aug 28, 2023
Tonight was the 2nd day I rolled w/Josh, a 24 y/o Psychology major in college in his 5th week of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
He shared an impactful story w/me after our 2nd roll tonight in class.
Aug 24, 2023
I spent a weekend w/an amazing family a month back that left an amazing impression on me.
Billy & Beth have the gift of hospitality. They picked up that gift / superpower from their parents and grandparents.
I share some of my lessons learned from spending a weekend w/both parents & their awesome kids.
Here are...
Aug 21, 2023
Many leaders aren’t as self-aware as they think they are. That has been my experience in working with & conducting psychometric EQ assessments w/many leaders over the past few years.
This particular leader is very self-aware & made some connections in his own life & family of origin that were super powerful. This...
Aug 17, 2023
What comes first - the chicken or the egg?
What comes first - to lead yourself or leading others?
What comes first - better habits or better EQ?
What comes first - better behaviors or better emotional health?
This is actually a current conversation I’m having w/other coaches. Some great thoughts &...